Paint! ORC Week 3

Half way through this season’s ORC! And I am definitely feeling better about our progress this week. Now, every time I walk through, or even catch a glimpse of the office, I am overcome with happiness. Who knew a little paint could change so much?! I mean, I did, but I am so glad we took a chance on our dark color!

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Paint Prep – ORC Week 2

Here we are, week 2! I gotta admit, seeing how far some of the other ORC guest participants have come already is making me a bit jealous. But then I remind myself that we had a fun weekend away and have been busy with other life things. So even though we didn’t get too much done this past week on our office, any progress is good, right?

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Office Face Lift – Another ORC

Wow. It’s already spring (hello allergies!), which means its time for another round of the One Room Challenge! I did pass on the fall ORC this last time. Something about spring is just more motivating. Like spring cleaning. Except this is very much not cleaning. Everything gets messy, and then cleaned up at the very end. Can you tell I am not one of those people who cleans for fun? Organizing, yes. But not actually cleaning. Anyways, back to what is really important. This season of the ORC!

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Bedroom Refresh

I have a confession to make. I have been feeling like our bedroom has been kind of drab for a while now. And that is probably because we haven’t really done a whole lot to it. It has been improving at a much slower pace than the rest of the house, which I know can be a good thing since you really get to figure out what you want. But I’ve just been feeling like there’s no real oomph to the room, you know?

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Engineering Prints

I have joined the engineering prints fan group. As I have been working on refreshing our room a bit, I decided that we needed some art on one of our walls. And guys, I looked and looked and looked for some actual art. And there was some out there that I did like, but when I looked at prices I just about fainted. I didn’t like anything that much, you know? And I generally like photos more than art anyways. They make me happy and bring me memories. Sorry to get all gushy there for a second.

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